Have an idea but need the specific details or the equipment manufactured? We have helped entrepreneurs and many different industry leaders develop their ideas into tangible products.
Run your ideas past us and we will work to develop the part or parts that meet your vision. There is no idea too small or too big for K-H Machine Works!Â
We have personally developed parts and tooling which we have had patent rights. We have aided bakeries in making their products more efficient and safer for the user.
A few highlights is that we have worked on the Original Batman Car, a Yugo Toaster Car for an art project, and many others. – We have worked with well-known artists in the creation and design of their art pieces. We are delighted to try different projects.
As one of the few remaining machine shops in our area, we have the ability to take on large and small-scale projects alike. Stop by and see how we can make your vision a reality!